Lecturer Information

Hideo Hosono

1977 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Engineering Graduated
1982 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Engineering Doctor course Completed
          Nagoya Institute of Technology Assistant Professor
1988 Vanderbilt University Visiting Associate Professor
1990 Nagoya Institute of Technology Associate Professor
1993 Tokyo Institute of Technology Research Laboratory of Engineering Materials Associate Professor
1995 Okazaki National Research Institute Institute for Molecular Science Associate Professor
1997 Tokyo Institute of Techonology Materials and Structures Laboratory Associate Professor
1999 Tokyo Institute of Technology Materials and Structures Laboratory Professor
2004 Tokyo Institute of Technology Frontier Research Center Professor
2012 Tokyo Institute of Technology Materials Research Center for Element Strategy Director
2014 Science Council of Japan(-2019)
2016 Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research Professor, councillor
2019~ Tokyo Institute of Technology Materials Research Center for Element strategy Institute Professor, Group leader
2020~ National Institute for Materials Science Distinguished Fellow

To the present day.


・University venture awards/President's Award, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization 2023
・Karl Friedrich Brawn Prize(2023), Society fort Information Displays[US]
・Eduard Rhein Technology Prize(2022), [Germany]
・Von Hippel Award (2018), Materials Research Society, [US]
・Ceramics Grand Prize(2016), The Ceramic Society of Japan
・Japan Prize(2016), Japan Prize Foundation
・JST Intellectual Property Special Contribution Award(2015), Japan Science and Technology Agency
・Imperial Prize and Japan Academy Prize(2015), The Japan Academy
・James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2015), American Physical Society [US]
・Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates(2013), Thomson Reuters, [US]
・Engineering Education Awards(2013), Japanese Society for Engineering Education
・Mott Lecture Award(2013), International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors [Overseas]
・Honda Memorial Prize(2013.5), The Honda Memorial Foundation
・CSJ Awards(2013), The Chemical Society of Japan
・Nishina Memorial Prize(2012), Nishina Memorial Foundation
・Jan Rajchman Prize(2011), SID (The Society for Information Display), [US]
・JSAP Outstanding Achievement Award(2011.3), The Japan Society of Applied Physics
・The Asahi Prize(2011), Asahi Newspaper Cultural Foundation
・50th Fujihara Award(2009), The Fujihara Foundation of Science
・Bernd T.Matthias Prize for Superconductivity(2009), Texas Center for Superconductivity, [US]
・NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step)(2008), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
・Fellow, The Japan Society of Applied Physics(2008), The Japan Society of Applied Physics
・Inoue Prize for Science(2000), Inoue Foundation for Science
・The Scientific Awards(1999), Ceramic Society of Japan
・The Ichimura Scientific Award(1997), The New Technology Development Foundation
・W.H.Zachariasen Award(1994), Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, [Overseas]
・1st Otto-Schott Research Award(1991), SCHOTT AG [Germany]
・The Scientific Awards(1986), The Ceramic Society of Japan 

[Medal of honour]

・Medal with Purple Ribbon(2009), Cabinet Office

[Honorary Member of the Society]

・Foreign Member, The Royal Society(2017), The Royal Society [UK]
・Foreign Member(2020), Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig[Germany]
・Academician(2004), World Academy of Ceramics
・Materials Research Society [US] 
・The Chemical Society of Japan(2015)
・Japan Society of Applied Physics(2015) 

[Fellow of the Society]

・The American Ceramic Society(2002), [US]
・Japan Society of Applied Physics (2008)
・SID (The Society for Information Display)(2016), [US]