Special edition of Global Lecture Series will be streamed online from Friday, March 10! 【End of delivery】
February 24, 2023
Tokyo Metropolitan University has established the "Global Lecture Series" to cultivate a rich international sense and global perspective and to develop human resources who can play an active role in international society.
This special edition will feature online lectures by world-renowned university professors in the fields of politics and economy.
Registration is open for anyone.
【End of delivery】
1. Details of the Lectures
【Distribution starts on March 10】
Johns Hopkins University
Prof. Kent E. Calder
Urban Grassroots, Civic Leaders,
and the Global SDG Agenda

【Distribution starts on March 17】
Columbia University
Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs
Sustainable Development:
The Future We Want

2.How to watch
All lectures are available at home via PC, smartphone, or other devices on demand.
3.Delivery Period
March 10 ~ March 24, 2023
4.Registration Deadline
March 24, 2023
【End of delivery】